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Remorse (englisch)

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As often as I’m so foolish
I’m backed up by you
I hope to see you soonish
It’s so much you get me through
I know you’re a man of reliability
And that’s what I treasure
So I assume liability
For all that I messed up
You are my heart and in my soul
So please forgive me being a fool <33
Hi Starsurfer,
I like the statement of your poem - unfortunately your English is not adequate ...
You could probably rhyme much better in your mother tongue!
I tried my hand as follows:
Whenever I feel like a fool

I am backed up by you

you always have a tool

by which to get me through


I know I can always rely

on you and your goodwill

however, I will try

to meet you up the hill


You are my heart, you are my soul

please forgive me for being a fool
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