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Silent noises

  • J
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Here I am in an empty room, that I'm calling, my home.
But it does not feel as it should, Here I am sitting alone.
Listening to the melody, forgetting about my choices,
there are many voices, listening to silent noises.
I lay down my heart, even if it's hard. Why I can't make me love me? Cause I don't!
I'm still here, here I stay as I am. Closing the eyes, let me find what feels wrong.
Listening to the melody, forgetting about my losses,
there are many voices, listening to silent noises.
It's time to fade and become a part of the shade.
Sometimes it is to late to come out and the voices that I have they scream loud "Life is not fair!".
But, for me it's okay, I take my chair and for a while, I'll listen here.
Listening to the melody, forgetting about my lapses,
there are many voices, listening to silent noises.
I'm not afraid even if I'm afraid.
Tonight I'll pray for you mother, you father, you my brothers and sister.
"Let them have a place to be. Give them a vision to see.
Teach them some experience and show them the difference."
Turn out the lights, fall down to sleep, each day is a gift...
Just listening to the melody, forgetting about my demons,
there are many voices, listening to silent noises.
Hallo Pavel,
Ich bin von deinem Thema "Silent Noises" wirklich beeindruckt.
Es bringt mich in eine sehr melancholische und verzweifelte Stimmung, aber ich mag es, wenn Texte es schaffen solche Emotionen gut rüber zu bringen.
Abgesehen davon, habe ich mich sehr in das Bild der "silent noises" verliebt.
Danke dafür !
Mit Bewunderung,
  • J
    letzte Antwort
  • 1
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