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Feedback jeder Art Somewhere in the Garden of Eden

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  • Lucia Korn
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Lucia Korn

Under the trees 
she slowly pushed him closer to her 
to see inside his deep ocean and ride his wild waves
she knows
she will never sink 
he will swallow all the salt water, choking and smiling, while she gets a fit of laughter.
Like somewhere in the Garden of Eden
she gently touches his body 
like a light feather
with two snakes around his hips
instead of hugging arms.
Wounds everywhere after the bites
so she can heal them again 
and put medicine and salt into it.
Somewhere forgotten, lost and exiled
there she is standing in her glory above him
while he is barely breathing, the final words seem clear:
"I will kiss your paradise lips again even if there is poison in it".
Lucia Korn
  • Lucia Korn
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