Crackling cold
Wet and bold
Seeps to the bone
The kind that's so brutal, it makes you feel alone
Each breath exhaled sends billowy clouds
An atmosphere that creepily shrouds
Goosebumps bloom
Right about now, you're wishing for June
Winter barges into Autumn
Temps hit rock-bottom
Stealthy frost growing as I reflect on what 2020 has lost
All that bad should be tossed
Put where it can't touch anyone anymore
The fear and danger it's struck in everyone's core
This lonely glacial divide ; raw and sore
Has tore through lives
That what survives is left to deal with great pain
Heart and Soul cries
Where to put the blame?
Remember and say their name
©Donna H.
November 27, 2020
Wet and bold
Seeps to the bone
The kind that's so brutal, it makes you feel alone
Each breath exhaled sends billowy clouds
An atmosphere that creepily shrouds
Goosebumps bloom
Right about now, you're wishing for June
Winter barges into Autumn
Temps hit rock-bottom
Stealthy frost growing as I reflect on what 2020 has lost
All that bad should be tossed
Put where it can't touch anyone anymore
The fear and danger it's struck in everyone's core
This lonely glacial divide ; raw and sore
Has tore through lives
That what survives is left to deal with great pain
Heart and Soul cries
Where to put the blame?
Remember and say their name
©Donna H.
November 27, 2020