Cloying scent of sweet honeysuckle wafts.
Heat shimmies in tiny waves.
My sandals slap hot pavement.
Humidity slows down movement.
Temperatures ramp.
A heat wave has set up camp.
Light pink cap barely shades face.
I keep walking, gotta find a cool place.
Stand beneath a huge Maple.
This is not May's staple.
Our Spring yanked.
Climate change pranked.
Sweat oozes from every pore.
Wishing myself at the shore.
Now a flaming sun whips.
I chug a few warm sips.
Bottled water heat-infused.
Tastes like a million bucks imbued.
Hydration is key.
Leaning back, silently thank my friend the tree.
Large fanning leaf canopy.
Affords shelter.
Today's a real torcher-scorcher-melter.
Spring's hottest blockbuster.
©Donna H.
May 21, 2022
Heat shimmies in tiny waves.
My sandals slap hot pavement.
Humidity slows down movement.
Temperatures ramp.
A heat wave has set up camp.
Light pink cap barely shades face.
I keep walking, gotta find a cool place.
Stand beneath a huge Maple.
This is not May's staple.
Our Spring yanked.
Climate change pranked.
Sweat oozes from every pore.
Wishing myself at the shore.
Now a flaming sun whips.
I chug a few warm sips.
Bottled water heat-infused.
Tastes like a million bucks imbued.
Hydration is key.
Leaning back, silently thank my friend the tree.
Large fanning leaf canopy.
Affords shelter.
Today's a real torcher-scorcher-melter.
Spring's hottest blockbuster.
©Donna H.
May 21, 2022