The birds are moving southwards
The birds are moving southwards
Lately I saw a swarm of geese
Pass by above little me
Resting on the sunburnt grass
A certain wistfulness
Settled in my heart
Causing chaos
In naive me, who had believed
Summer would never end...
In the mornings
I still step out in underwear
As I did in August
Only to find an icy eye
and aching throat
Holding back tears
Frosty air greeting the day
I wonder: when did it happen?
When did it end?
When was it that the lavender lost its purple
The bees disappeared
The bush crickets stopped chirping
The gold faded
the lovers said goodbye?
I must have missed the moment
That summer left,
for I did not see her go
Did you?
Don't you wish to always be
where summer is?
But would you then
still love her just as much?
Sometimes I wish I was a bird
So I could leave with summer
But then I think:
who would be there to cry
When the leaves turn red
Who would catch them as they fall
If you and I had wings to flee?
So I stay
To love summer when it's there
And cry for it with a smile
When the birds are moving southwards.
The birds are moving southwards
Lately I saw a swarm of geese
Pass by above little me
Resting on the sunburnt grass
A certain wistfulness
Settled in my heart
Causing chaos
In naive me, who had believed
Summer would never end...
In the mornings
I still step out in underwear
As I did in August
Only to find an icy eye
and aching throat
Holding back tears
Frosty air greeting the day
I wonder: when did it happen?
When did it end?
When was it that the lavender lost its purple
The bees disappeared
The bush crickets stopped chirping
The gold faded
the lovers said goodbye?
I must have missed the moment
That summer left,
for I did not see her go
Did you?
Don't you wish to always be
where summer is?
But would you then
still love her just as much?
Sometimes I wish I was a bird
So I could leave with summer
But then I think:
who would be there to cry
When the leaves turn red
Who would catch them as they fall
If you and I had wings to flee?
So I stay
To love summer when it's there
And cry for it with a smile
When the birds are moving southwards.