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the book of life

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the next chapter of the book of life

the Lord is coming down to this world

in heavenly peace

the Kingdom is coming down to you

yes that is true

read the next capter of the book of life

God ist so lovely to child,woman and man


the eternal grace is coming down

into you life

the life will be survive

the love will be survive


open the next chapter in youe book of life

and see

you are in heavensplace

with sophie and grace

with mun and dad

he ist so glad of you.


open your eys

open the next chapter of impossible life

with love is everything impossible


the love fire ist burninng for every

but nobody died in the flame

feel that goes easely to heaven

open the next chapter of the right side of life

believet on you

than I believet on you from beginning all times.


the next chapter of the book of life

the Lord is coming down to this world

in heavenly peace

the Kingdom is coming down to you

yes that is true

read the next capter of the book of life

God ist so lovely to child,woman and man

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