This morning, the coffee shop doubles as a dead poets shrine.
It's pouring outside, am I daydreaming .... this right now, is modern time.
Inside is toasty warm, as the rich, velvety scent of coffee lingers.
Blowing into the mugs hot liquid, at the rising steamy fingers.
Naturally Jean Paul Richter pulls up a chair first, laments Weltpain.
Rilke, blasting in the door, with a colored Autumn leaf rain.
In his wake, a brisk wind that catches the tablecloths unaware.
They billow briefly, raising like Marilyn's fluttering dress, up in air.
Emerging from a corner seat, Hölderlin, poet-philosopher.
Moves towards the group of us, talking loud, this "Schicksal" admonisher.
At his heels, Schiller, animated, waving a play manuscript.
"Die Räuber!" he shouts, as Poe steps forward in his path, ill equipped,
to handle Friedrich's passionate outburst, while sober.
Being a brooding poet himself, with his raven on the shoulder.
Longfellow tells Poe point blank "Chap, you're in the wrong place! The taverns down the way!"
Poe storms off insulted, not wishing anyone a good day.
Rivals in their time, Edgar having accused Henry of plagiarism
Writer's jealousy, that ran deep back then, in this drama's mannerism.
All this literary bluster has me intrigued, as I watch things unfold.
Truth be told, I'm not sure where they're going with this, crossing our threshold.
I remember middle school, the botched reciting of Henry's "A Psalm of Life."
Heine wants in on the conversation, mentions his overbearing ex-wife.
Yeah! That's who inspired his famous work "Die Lorelei", now we know!
Did Heinrich inadvertently create revenge poetry? ... way-to-go!
The two best friends, with shared first name Theodor- Storm and Mommsen.
Sitting this whole time at the next table, debating and smokin'.
Goethe tells them they'll meet his "Faust' if they don't put out the cigarettes.
Klopstock to the defense, commands "Go stuff your threat and start writing some novelettes!"
A ripple of laughs, rise above the inflated egos, and Hemingway barks "Schmucks!"
More poets keep coming out of the woodworks, woo, I'm getting star-struck! 🤩
Rumi and Gibran are here! Such luck! They hand me their autographs, penned on a buck.
I've got tons of questions I'd like to ask them all - hey wait, where are you going?
Their mirage's are fading, at once, like a time -lapse slowing.
Hold on......did I dream this, was it wishful thinking, where are they now?
I hear Mörike whisper "Abreise" and the rest of them yell "Ciao!"
The waiter, a dead ringer for Herman Hesse, brings me two things.
My second caramel macchiato and a book "Das Glasperlenspiel",
saying "Read the inscription"
Keep writing your heart out with love and zeal
Signed, from all of us, who came before, daring to walk through that door
Cast writer's uncertainty aside, keep searching for the right words to collide
Write, and re-write and write - write in the sunlight, write at midnight
Send your poems out into the world to make some trouble and noise
You don't always need a fancy plot or ploys, share what you know, tears and joys
© Donna H.
October 31, 2024
It's pouring outside, am I daydreaming .... this right now, is modern time.
Inside is toasty warm, as the rich, velvety scent of coffee lingers.
Blowing into the mugs hot liquid, at the rising steamy fingers.
Naturally Jean Paul Richter pulls up a chair first, laments Weltpain.
Rilke, blasting in the door, with a colored Autumn leaf rain.
In his wake, a brisk wind that catches the tablecloths unaware.
They billow briefly, raising like Marilyn's fluttering dress, up in air.
Emerging from a corner seat, Hölderlin, poet-philosopher.
Moves towards the group of us, talking loud, this "Schicksal" admonisher.
At his heels, Schiller, animated, waving a play manuscript.
"Die Räuber!" he shouts, as Poe steps forward in his path, ill equipped,
to handle Friedrich's passionate outburst, while sober.
Being a brooding poet himself, with his raven on the shoulder.
Longfellow tells Poe point blank "Chap, you're in the wrong place! The taverns down the way!"
Poe storms off insulted, not wishing anyone a good day.
Rivals in their time, Edgar having accused Henry of plagiarism
Writer's jealousy, that ran deep back then, in this drama's mannerism.
All this literary bluster has me intrigued, as I watch things unfold.
Truth be told, I'm not sure where they're going with this, crossing our threshold.
I remember middle school, the botched reciting of Henry's "A Psalm of Life."
Heine wants in on the conversation, mentions his overbearing ex-wife.
Yeah! That's who inspired his famous work "Die Lorelei", now we know!
Did Heinrich inadvertently create revenge poetry? ... way-to-go!
The two best friends, with shared first name Theodor- Storm and Mommsen.
Sitting this whole time at the next table, debating and smokin'.
Goethe tells them they'll meet his "Faust' if they don't put out the cigarettes.
Klopstock to the defense, commands "Go stuff your threat and start writing some novelettes!"
A ripple of laughs, rise above the inflated egos, and Hemingway barks "Schmucks!"
More poets keep coming out of the woodworks, woo, I'm getting star-struck! 🤩
Rumi and Gibran are here! Such luck! They hand me their autographs, penned on a buck.
I've got tons of questions I'd like to ask them all - hey wait, where are you going?
Their mirage's are fading, at once, like a time -lapse slowing.
Hold on......did I dream this, was it wishful thinking, where are they now?
I hear Mörike whisper "Abreise" and the rest of them yell "Ciao!"
The waiter, a dead ringer for Herman Hesse, brings me two things.
My second caramel macchiato and a book "Das Glasperlenspiel",
saying "Read the inscription"
Keep writing your heart out with love and zeal
Signed, from all of us, who came before, daring to walk through that door
Cast writer's uncertainty aside, keep searching for the right words to collide
Write, and re-write and write - write in the sunlight, write at midnight
Send your poems out into the world to make some trouble and noise
You don't always need a fancy plot or ploys, share what you know, tears and joys
© Donna H.
October 31, 2024