The inflamed day blown away.
Cool, cool, fast winds rushing in.
Hardly any heat, what a win!
Crickets happily chirping.
Frogs in the pond burping.
Clouds are ambling in the sky
Relieved to hang, nearby.
Birdsong fills the air and hearts.
Big inspirational sparks!
Thursday, leaning back with a sigh.
Swilling comfortable reply.
Sizzling heat finally removed.
The weather's very enthused!
Butterflies somersaulting.
As grasshoppers are vaulting.
In and out, dragonflies flit.
The wind, they seem to knit.
Everywhere, a content murmur.
I hear my Soul purr, purr, purr.
©Donna H.
August 29, 2024
(Text/2 Audio)
Anhang anzeigen Record ( (15).mp3
Anhang anzeigen Record ( (4).mp3
Cool, cool, fast winds rushing in.
Hardly any heat, what a win!
Crickets happily chirping.
Frogs in the pond burping.
Clouds are ambling in the sky
Relieved to hang, nearby.
Birdsong fills the air and hearts.
Big inspirational sparks!
Thursday, leaning back with a sigh.
Swilling comfortable reply.
Sizzling heat finally removed.
The weather's very enthused!
Butterflies somersaulting.
As grasshoppers are vaulting.
In and out, dragonflies flit.
The wind, they seem to knit.
Everywhere, a content murmur.
I hear my Soul purr, purr, purr.
©Donna H.
August 29, 2024
(Text/2 Audio)
Anhang anzeigen Record ( (15).mp3
Anhang anzeigen Record ( (4).mp3