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Feedback jeder Art The same

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The same, 
myself in brain, 
in love, 
in storm 
above the
blue, great 
sky, come on
my darling, 
I don't want 
the end of
the world, 
I'll wanna
feel myself in
your arms, 
let me fly. 
Oh, that's really
unknown lady 
it makes me think of 
a beautiful lady 
who sprang in the abyss 
and was catched by 
a soft breeze 
which brought her
to the near of a wonder land 
Amor, Cupido self 
was in love with her 
You don't believe me?
Look under Apuleius 
The fairy tale of Amor and Psyche
Oh, that's really


unknown lady 

it makes me think of 


a beautiful lady 

who sprang in the abyss 

and was catched by 

a soft breeze 

which brought her

to the near of a wonder land 


Amor, Cupido self 

was in love with her 


You don't believe me?

Look under Apuleius 

The fairy tale of Amor and Psyche




Thank you for your thinkings 
Amor and Psyche are tales of love
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