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Feedback jeder Art The Unseen

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
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Stars falling; Hope is calling.
Night, like a dark raven caustically laments.
Too many negatives and bad comments.
Where's the light that lifts and saves?
What the World now days all braves!
The few stars scattered have misplaced their sparkle.
Out in the wide expanse the forbidden gathers.
Blackened Universe, yet many shadows hidden.
The weight of injustice, crushing.
Rock hard and untrusting.
Where all of Societies debris and hubris goes?
........Floating into the tiniest recesses, skulking around.
When night falls, everyone's demons pounce, as our collective worry calls.
So much unpredictable.
Which direction danger and safety head....
What is yet to  develop?
Can the Pandemic be conquered?
The unseen, sneaky or chock full of Blessings?
What we don't know can or cannot be a burden.
Where is that guiding Northern Star?
Moonlight, when you need it?
You have to sometimes create it.
Imagine it.
Keep it secured in your Soul for times and nights like these.
©Donna H.
September 13, 2021
Hallo Donna, 
man hat den Kompass zum Glück in sich, man hat es in sich, was man aus sich macht. 
Gerne nachgedacht! 
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