A sultry southernly breeze
Sashays languidly passed trees
Teasing loose a few shy leaves
Yellowed from the searing drought
that 2024 brought
Azaleas are going limp
Soon, the color of blanched shrimp
Heat, that continues to pimp
Cicadas host a concert
Not yet an Autumn convert
Male crickets play violin
In search for a late Summer fling
Katydids soothe with their night song
Soft ticks and lispy buzzes, calm
Endure till the break of dawn
Sweet seasonal lullaby
One I'll miss, like the firefly
Those blinky star-studded pilots
Kamikaze skylit riots
I dread when Summer quiets
Halcyon days were at their highest
Queen Anne's lace dots grassy fields
and roadsides where the dust yields
Up, perching on power lines
swallows in rows like headlines
A dark spell is drifting about
It's the murmuration rollout!
Starlings chattering loud grapevine
Once they settle in the elms spine
Days are getting shorter-
As daylight starts to wane
Night is growing longer-
Perhaps more rest to gain?
Here and there standing in patches
chicory's purple-blue splashes
Scattered about the countryside
wild sunflowers beam with sun's pride
Daisy conga lines, pink, white combo
The disced, tight heads of golden yarrow
Boy, have the thistles gone to seed!
Loosing whispy fluff at speed
that rides on each puff of wind
Everything gets cotton pinned
Red-winged blackbirds and grackles
A free range turkey gobble cackles
My dear heron stalks the pond
He and I have grown quite fond
Although Summer's winding down
She leaves us, not with a frown
But a heart filled to the brim
Sun soaked, whispering a hymn
Look straight ahead, up with the chin
Carry sunshine deep within
And never let your light dim
Be open for wit on a whim
Strut your stuff, and that tanned skin
Wow! It's been a turbulent-weathered spin!
There's a lesson in this: sink or learn to swim
© Donna H.
September 19, 2024
Anhang anzeigen Record ( (4).mp3
A sultry southernly breeze
Sashays languidly passed trees
Teasing loose a few shy leaves
Yellowed from the searing drought
that 2024 brought
Azaleas are going limp
Soon, the color of blanched shrimp
Heat, that continues to pimp
Cicadas host a concert
Not yet an Autumn convert
Male crickets play violin
In search for a late Summer fling
Katydids soothe with their night song
Soft ticks and lispy buzzes, calm
Endure till the break of dawn
Sweet seasonal lullaby
One I'll miss, like the firefly
Those blinky star-studded pilots
Kamikaze skylit riots
I dread when Summer quiets
Halcyon days were at their highest
Queen Anne's lace dots grassy fields
and roadsides where the dust yields
Up, perching on power lines
swallows in rows like headlines
A dark spell is drifting about
It's the murmuration rollout!
Starlings chattering loud grapevine
Once they settle in the elms spine
Days are getting shorter-
As daylight starts to wane
Night is growing longer-
Perhaps more rest to gain?
Here and there standing in patches
chicory's purple-blue splashes
Scattered about the countryside
wild sunflowers beam with sun's pride
Daisy conga lines, pink, white combo
The disced, tight heads of golden yarrow
Boy, have the thistles gone to seed!
Loosing whispy fluff at speed
that rides on each puff of wind
Everything gets cotton pinned
Red-winged blackbirds and grackles
A free range turkey gobble cackles
My dear heron stalks the pond
He and I have grown quite fond
Although Summer's winding down
She leaves us, not with a frown
But a heart filled to the brim
Sun soaked, whispering a hymn
Look straight ahead, up with the chin
Carry sunshine deep within
And never let your light dim
Be open for wit on a whim
Strut your stuff, and that tanned skin
Wow! It's been a turbulent-weathered spin!
There's a lesson in this: sink or learn to swim
© Donna H.
September 19, 2024
Anhang anzeigen Record ( (4).mp3