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Feedback jeder Art They Turn Around Twice

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In the casino of love
They dance and they dance by the heart
One with belief and the stars
And one with the heavens behalf
Movement so deep as a part
Of one wonder, one wish on the path
One in the dance of all love
A miracle, light of two halves
Coins flip in the casino, they turn around twice
The girl and the boy with caleidoscope eyes
And the dimensions, they tremble
A step on the dancefloor, the dancefloor
On the eleventh the hands up
A breath in the telfth gone, the twelfth gone
And in the heavens they end up
And in the heavens they end up
The life in their chests, it is endless
The life in their chests, it is endless
Coins flip in the casino, they turn around twice
The girl and the boy with caleidoscope eyes

Cards in cards in cards in cards
Cards in cards in cards in cards
Coins flip in the casino, they turn around twice
The girl and the boy with caleidoscope eyes
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