Across the lake, mountain cliffs cool to gray
While the sun slips behind them, done is day
The sun has set, the cliffs have vanished
Darkness descends, hesitation vanquished
New moon rising, a sneaky front blows cold
As a mantle of clouds marches in bold
Moody is the night, and unrelenting
The far flung stars ask "Are you repenting?"
Blinking in wonder, waiting for an answer
Astonished that none comes, devil-dancer
Silence holds its own stories, yet can talk
Hush, hush, don't look, just pretend to sleep walk
While the World's temperature continues to drop
Are the trespasses and insults a prop?
Can you feel that pulse thudding in those ears?
How many innocent ones have your tears?
In a burst of fury, cruel winds thrash
Slapping laughter out of mouths that crash
Footfalls, a cracking branch, screeching floats back
The windows are black mirrors, who plans attack?
© Donna H.
January 17, 2025
Als ich dieses Stück schrieb, dachte ich, es würde ein reines "Naturgedicht" bleiben, wie ich es ursprünglich beabsichtigt hatte.
Aber wie so oft, nahm das Schreiben eine ganz andere Richtung, da ich den Terroranschlag von New Orleans noch frisch im Gedächtnis hatte.
While the sun slips behind them, done is day
The sun has set, the cliffs have vanished
Darkness descends, hesitation vanquished
New moon rising, a sneaky front blows cold
As a mantle of clouds marches in bold
Moody is the night, and unrelenting
The far flung stars ask "Are you repenting?"
Blinking in wonder, waiting for an answer
Astonished that none comes, devil-dancer
Silence holds its own stories, yet can talk
Hush, hush, don't look, just pretend to sleep walk
While the World's temperature continues to drop
Are the trespasses and insults a prop?
Can you feel that pulse thudding in those ears?
How many innocent ones have your tears?
In a burst of fury, cruel winds thrash
Slapping laughter out of mouths that crash
Footfalls, a cracking branch, screeching floats back
The windows are black mirrors, who plans attack?
© Donna H.
January 17, 2025
Als ich dieses Stück schrieb, dachte ich, es würde ein reines "Naturgedicht" bleiben, wie ich es ursprünglich beabsichtigt hatte.
Aber wie so oft, nahm das Schreiben eine ganz andere Richtung, da ich den Terroranschlag von New Orleans noch frisch im Gedächtnis hatte.