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Feedback jeder Art Where's a quarter when you need one?

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I am standing in front of Aldi's shopping cart corral.  I've forgotten a quarter.  Rats!  And it is not optional to precariously cradle groceries in my arms today.  There's lots to get.  Big ticket items.  Frozen whole chickens, veggie pizzas, ground beef, produce, water jugs, a case of coke.  The only grocery store in America that charges .25¢ to get a shopping cart.  Smart move Aldi!  You save on the cart boy knowing customers will return their cart to retrieve the .25¢ they invested to shop.  
An awkward shopper by nature, even a few carried items fall from my grip leaving a Hänsel and Gretel trail. No--- not gonna do that.  As I frantically dig in purse, pockets and reusable bags hoping that coveted quarter will magically appear I see a man in my peripheral.
Extending a shiny new quarter.  And I could swear I hear a chorus of angels singing. "Here, I have an extra."  My Savior says.  I turn to face this benevolent stranger from another time era.  
I must have looked a pitiful sight.  Baggy sweat shirt and sweat pants on, hair originally pulled up in a neat ponytail yet somehow my hair manages to escape and stick up in all kinds of directions as soon as the outer temperature drops below 59F.  Mascara probably flaking and smudged giving me that signature raccoon look.  And yes, I checked myself in the mirror before I left home.  But a mysterious phenomenon happens from the time I step away from a mirror walk half a mile to bus stop wait, wait, wait.  Ride to said store for an entire hour have to then walk 35 minutes to get to Aldi, a energetic wind catching me off guard slashing from all sides to only discover after all my careful planning I forgot the one thing needed to even be able to shop at Aldi---.25¢
My Saviors face lights up as I profusely thank him oblivious to my frayed sight.  Happy to have been able to assist.  As if he specifically moves about in this world looking to pick up the slack.  I am so stoked by his kindness that I'm not the least bit agitated after unleashing the cart about the wonky wheel that makes me feel like I'm pushing the shopping cart through sand.  
Naturally I get the F'd up carts.  Almost always!  The ones that have an out-of-control spinning wheel.  The ones with a high-pitched squeak where everyone turns to stare and blames you for the cart malfunction.  Ear assaulting level.  Menacing looks that say:  "Just give it up already!  Stop making a spectacle of yourself!" The shopping carts that jerk in the opposite direction making you bump into a grocery display.  Everything tumbling in a loud bang and thud.  Commanding unwanted attention.  Customers with disapproving glances disgusted at your inadequacy to operate a simple shopping cart.  "Sorry I only have my learner's permit!" jokes do not help either.  What the hell- I try. *Sigh* 
But on this day no I won't let sarcasm drip, not now!  Now that I've won at the Luck Lottery.  A genuinely charitable stranger has proven there are random pockets of selflessness.  And a singular quarter can be a jackpot! 
©Donna H.
October 31, 2022 
Herbert Kaiser schrieb:
Hallo liebe @Donna


am besten, du lässt dir alles nach Hause liefern. Ich mach es so bei den schweren Sachen wie Getränke. 
Deine Shopping Tour war ganz schön chaotisch und anstrengend - aber hilfreiche Menschen gibt's zum Glück auch.


Sei lieb gegrüßt, Herbert 
Das ist eine ausgezeichnete Idee lieber @Herbert Kaiser,  Wieso weiterhin schwere Tüten mühselig schleppen Packesel ähnlich wenn alles bequem geliefert werden kann?!  🙄  Danke. 
Liebe Grüße, Donna
Guten Morgen @Donna,
ab und an, hinterlasse ich den hier obligatorischen Einkaufswagenobulus einfach im Wagen.
Irgendwie wird die Welt dadurch immer ein wenig glücklicher. 
Liebe Grüße 
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