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Feedback jeder Art Willow

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
  • LeMarq
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Mourning willow, wooden braid 
That has no husband by your side 
Every night I hear you cry 
When the frosty winds pass by 
Your weak and slender branches hang
Down to the ground, where you began
To grow out of a tiny seed
Into a steady hanging tree
Weeping willow, your time is due 
Like of the people hanged on you 
Crooked people have it been 
As crooked as now you are seen 
Accept your fate and find your peace
Put your ancient soul at ease
There's no more time that you've got
Things might change - but  you will not.
Tortured willow, you‘ll be free
Make space for a new young tree 
On which no people yet have hung
And that only for your death will weep
  • LeMarq
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