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Feedback jeder Art Winter Harmony ❄️

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
  • Donna
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Hazy Winter morning sunlight
sparkles on snowdrifts.
Diamond-like fairy lights frozen therein.
Footprints, bird prints, patterns in the snow.
Who has all went here where I now go?
I am curious.  I'd like to know.
Flat clouds are parting in the delicate sky.
Letting golden light shine and gild the way.
It is cold but warm.
My heart is over my personal storm.
What beauty lays before my feet! 
The contrast of a brilliant white along 
with the tar-black street.
Bare branches, silent silhouettes 
like fingers and arms that reach.
To touch a sky full of Winter  
listening to quietudes speech.
Faint birdsong rides in the air.
I catch the sound of merriment; 
things that are uplifting and fair.
A gentle puff of wind stirs.
I could stay forever in this moment:
Landscape etched in snow 
Christmas Spirit sleighing 
over hills and crests.
Here, Winter booms
and Peace rests.
©Donna H.
December 20, 2013
  • Donna
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