How dare you to ripe my heart apart like that? Pain flushing out my heart through all my veins. Its a sweet poison payed by a bitter price. My fate is so drenched in tragedy, that the Universe will cry with me until there is no more water in the sea, no clouds in the sky, no ice on the poles.
How the hell should I fix a thousand piece shattered thing, that used to beat in my chest? A planet being out of water like me out of tears. The desert planet will be the home of my heart, that is blown away into the sand, covering the land as far as I can see and beyond.
Innocent red of mine turning into a fell black paste. A body, no longer mine, carrying my poisoned soul.
I will transform into a heartless monster, one you can only dream of and I will haunt every living creature, that calls itself human.
A storm will rise with my ash forming my new vessel. I am the eye of the storm wandering on earth.
The villain in your story is born and ready to write history.
How the hell should I fix a thousand piece shattered thing, that used to beat in my chest? A planet being out of water like me out of tears. The desert planet will be the home of my heart, that is blown away into the sand, covering the land as far as I can see and beyond.
Innocent red of mine turning into a fell black paste. A body, no longer mine, carrying my poisoned soul.
I will transform into a heartless monster, one you can only dream of and I will haunt every living creature, that calls itself human.
A storm will rise with my ash forming my new vessel. I am the eye of the storm wandering on earth.
The villain in your story is born and ready to write history.