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you are killing me

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it feels like every breath that I take
is another mistake
it feels like a cut with a knife
when you walk out of my life
it hurts with every word you bring
but worser than the words you say
are the words I hear
if you don't say a thing
I know I can't make you adore me
but I just don't want you to ignore me
is that really so hard for you?
to talk with me and tell me some new?
please don't act like you don't know me
please don't show me your cold shoulder
because it's the desparation what I want you to see
and to feel my breath which is getting colder and colder
I hope you know that you are killing me
and I hope you know that I will never be free
until you've changed your point of view and you're with me
könnte es bei mir durchgehen,
aber als Gedicht nicht,
Die Reime sind doch vielfach nur 2. Wahl...
sondern weil es keine qualifizierten Reime sind,
sondern nur klangliche Nähe, das reicht bei
gesungenem Material durchaus, aber bei
rezitativ vorgetragenem Werken
ist die Meßlatte einfach viel höher,
weil Begleitmusik den Eindruck nicht abschwächen
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