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  • Hera Klit
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Hera Klit

Your inner light

People like to mock and know, better were you have to go.
I know that, I know that right
They plan your path and remain steadfast, don't accept were you are at last.
I know that, I know that right

But if you see that inner light.
you have to follow this true sight
keep on follow, f. f. f, keep on follow... f. f. f.
No one knows where they get their beliefs, steal your convictions just like thieves.
I know that, I know that right
They destroy what they never should, ignore their advice, i think you could.
I know that, I know that right

But if you see that inner light.
you have to follow this true sight
keep on follow, keep on follow...
  • Hera Klit
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  • 0
  • 159
  • Teilnehmer