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Feedback jeder Art Soul Metamorphosis

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
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Rapid-fast light change. In a blink of an eye the landscape shows altered range.
New day emerges.  Nature's power surges.
Awakening.  Welcoming.  Including all with hope and good cheer.
Are you here?
The trill and chirp.  Not to be outdone, a chorus of noisy frog burp.
A smiling arc of tall trees hugs the building; as viewed from my living room windows.
A circle of cattails around the large pond, as the morning writes blessed prose.
More birds chime in; give sweet song.  Their message makes the Soul strong.
Uplifts.  As the heart sifts through that what disturbs and encumbers to arrive at acceptance and gratitude.
Rays of sunshine sweep in on the scene, advancing positive attitude.
Everything falls into clear perspective.
Direction and guidance; confidence is reflective.
The weight of hubris disappears, doing  a happy dance.
Luck and chance extend a hand; taking a stance.
Pulling into the wide expanse of possibility.  Reminding, there's that thing: capability.
Flexibility.  And the probability that things work out in due time. 
Just pace yourself one divine step after another as you reassign, organize, and align with Serenity.
Allowing your Soul to unfold and brilliantly shine.
©Donna H.
August 6, 2021
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