Black- capped chickadee wakes me with "Hey you!" "Hey you!"

While the Pileated Woodpecker knock-knock-knocks on a tree jackhammer style

Time for morning to start! The Tufted Titmouse, small gray-feathered shark fin atop her head echos"Hee it!" "Hee it!"

A group of robins "Cheeba Cheeba Cheep"

Blue Jay throws his two cents in blaring, oversounding everyone "CHEEP!" Pause "CHEEP!"

I shuffle to my window. Shake sleep off.
See a Northern Cardinal dressed in a ruby red, black masked face blurt a forceful rapid succession "tweettweettweettweettweettweettweettweet" dropping octaves in emphasis of ....."chup_chup_chup__chup_chup" as his grand finale.

The Gray Catbird, not to be outdone, a rich-textured vocalist "tweedle it deeeee tweedle it deeeee" raising pitch "DEE! DEE!" lowering short in-between "Zip, Zip, Zip, tweedle it DEE! DEE!"

The beginning of day is greeted cheerily. As we all go about our business, with Hope in our feathered friends in a tree and me.
©Donna H.
March 8, 2022

While the Pileated Woodpecker knock-knock-knocks on a tree jackhammer style

Time for morning to start! The Tufted Titmouse, small gray-feathered shark fin atop her head echos"Hee it!" "Hee it!"

A group of robins "Cheeba Cheeba Cheep"

Blue Jay throws his two cents in blaring, oversounding everyone "CHEEP!" Pause "CHEEP!"

I shuffle to my window. Shake sleep off.
See a Northern Cardinal dressed in a ruby red, black masked face blurt a forceful rapid succession "tweettweettweettweettweettweettweettweet" dropping octaves in emphasis of ....."chup_chup_chup__chup_chup" as his grand finale.

The Gray Catbird, not to be outdone, a rich-textured vocalist "tweedle it deeeee tweedle it deeeee" raising pitch "DEE! DEE!" lowering short in-between "Zip, Zip, Zip, tweedle it DEE! DEE!"

The beginning of day is greeted cheerily. As we all go about our business, with Hope in our feathered friends in a tree and me.
©Donna H.
March 8, 2022