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Feedback jeder Art War No More!

Hier gelten keine Vorgaben mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Forenregeln.
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A high- pitched sizzle-whistle cuts through the charred sickened night. 
Billowing acrid smoke burns lungs, pulls flesh tight. 
Speeding death missiles deployed to extinguish many a Soul's light. 
They detonate in two places. 
In the sovereign County of Ukraine and in my heart. 
How can I help, where do I start? 
Devastating, what this erases.
Clear across the World, the bombastic boom thuds and shoves the wind out of me.
I see how sheer terror sketches ashen faces as they flee. 
Children, innocence yanked, cry fear- tears. 
Families embrace, part ways not knowing if they'll ever have together years. 
A shard lodges deep within; pierces that fragile place. 
I want to race to save the World from its wicked way. 
Shield and protect; force Serenity in each day. 
On my knees begging God please
"War no more!" 
As the afflicted struggle to rise, a ray of Hope shines on the floor. 
Picking this up and sending my Love with a roar. 
May Peace roam and resume in every corridor and through each door.
©Donna H.
March 3, 2022
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