"Listen cupcake, life ain't always fair. Ya gotta make the best of whatcha got." She tells me with a wink, tapping her cigarette, freeing an ash-worm that accumulated. Her wide knowing grin long earned in the "School of Hard Knocks." Looping an escaped strand of hair around her right ear, imparting more wisdom. "You just go 'bout your business, head held high, truth in yer heart. Wish everyone well, even those who persecute you." Her Southern twang more heavily inflected now, drawing out p-e-r-s-e-c-u-t-e to emphasize her position. My puzzled look was what she expected. Pointing to the window, direction sky. "Ya have to stuff this world of ours with as much positivity as you can. What better consequences to cause than the positive to outweigh negativity?" Fixing me with a deadpan stare. Letting this linger a good ten beats..........all at once laughing that gravely hearty laugh. Throwing a wide-eyed mock surprised look, thin eyebrows arched, closing her mirth with a pouty mouth.
Before our impromptu conversation I had felt like the air was sucked void of the room. Away from my chest. Like breath was momentarily gone in this world. Now an energetic blast of change thrusts, invigorating gusts revive. Infusing an awakening. Intensely overdue. Rushing to fill my lungs. Breathing new life upon everything that is discombobulated. Setting controversy on a path of understanding. Casting differences in a favorable light. And when we parted ways it didn't dawn on me till later, that those who hand you your dignity back and those who take it also begift, only in other manners.
©Donna H.
16. April 2022
Before our impromptu conversation I had felt like the air was sucked void of the room. Away from my chest. Like breath was momentarily gone in this world. Now an energetic blast of change thrusts, invigorating gusts revive. Infusing an awakening. Intensely overdue. Rushing to fill my lungs. Breathing new life upon everything that is discombobulated. Setting controversy on a path of understanding. Casting differences in a favorable light. And when we parted ways it didn't dawn on me till later, that those who hand you your dignity back and those who take it also begift, only in other manners.
©Donna H.
16. April 2022