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Feedback jeder Art Your choice

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  • Sonja Pistracher
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Your choice. 
What is time 
it is a kind of madness.
She does not exist,
If it is not fair just stand up to fix.
It is ridiculous´
we try to own her, 
we can she not save 
if You want to hunt her, then you will be her wasted slave.
Do not try to find your answer in a another ones.
We life right now, so realise the present of life 
and make your own chance.
It is on us to make a new step,
We all have a choice, so never forget.
Something happens what you do not understand, 
something its stronger than you,
but that is not the end.
It is ok
to take a while and to be afraid,
Its ok to lose but beleve on you, you be a present
You will find your own way.
Take of your shoes and run barefoot to 
feel the tricky way of the live wherever you walk.
Run over the end until the silent
 and stop to think and to talk. 
So then´
I will use my choice,
I want to dance in the rain.
between fire and storm,
between love and pain.
  • Sonja Pistracher
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